Using the
Tickets Four
Here youʼll have a guide to help you use some of our essential brand elements - our logo,typography, color palette icons, illustrations and design guidelines.
Please note that this guide isnʼt exhaustive. Please reach out to if what you are looking for isnʼt displayed in our brand guide.
Our Logo
Identifies who we are and what we do, it is our most essential and valuable asset. When applying the logo, please be mindful of the following:
Only show the logo of Tickets Four in red or white. Those are the official brand colors.
Donʼt alter, rotate, or modify the logo.
Donʼt animate the logo in anyway shape or form.
Donʼt use outdated versions of the logo.
You can use any logo variation listed on the right-side.

Keep in mind, that the Tickets Four logo is always either red or white.
When placing the logo on an image, always use the red version.
For images with a light background, we suggest applying the red logo with the white background as shown in the example, so that the logo is legible.
There may be some exceptions to the rule. Please reach out for permissions.

Legal Disclaimer
By using the Tickets Four trademarks in these Brand Guidelines, you agree to follow these Tickets Four Trademark Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) as well as our Terms of Use and all other Tickets Four rules and policies. Ticets Four Inc.(”Tickets Four”) reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change this policy at any time at its sole discretion without notice.
These Guidelines apply to your use of the Tickets Four trademarks.You may use the trademarks solely for the purposes expressly authorized by Tickets Four Inc. Strict compliance with these Guidelines is required at all times, and any use of Tickets Four trademarks in violation of these Guidelines will automatically terminate any permission related to your use of the Tickets Four trademarks. Tickets Four reserves the right to grant or deny any permission at its sole discretion and for any reason.
If you have any questions about these Guidelines, please contact

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